Mireille Berton im Forschungskolloquium

Am Mittwoch, 5. April, hält Mireille Berton (Lausanne) bei uns im Kolloquium den Vortrag „Research Films in (Neuro)Psychiatry: Useful for What, for Whom?“

Sie hat die folgende Zusammenfassung mit uns geteilt:

The purpose of this talk is to examine the utility of the neurological and psychiatric films made by physicians, based on the case of the Waldau collections (1920-1970), but also on other European examples. Challenging the paradigm of mechanical objectivity identified by Daston & Galison, research films made by psychiatrists and neurologists tend to complicate the relationships between the pedagogical, scientific, discursive and aesthetic functions of such objects. They therefore raise a whole series of questions that force us to consider our own practice as historians working on such corpus: how are these films useful and for whom? What exactly do we see in these images? How can we grasp the variety of uses and meanings that they cover?

Wir freuen uns, diese Sitzung gemeinsam mit dem externe Seite Lehrstuhl für Medizingeschichte der UZH (Lisa Haushofer) durchzuführen.

Mehr Infos zum Kolloquium gibt es hier.

Kolloquium FS 2023
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