Niki Rhyner
Niki Rhyner researches the history of humanities and social sciences. In her PhD project, she investigates the history of ethnographic field research during European integration with focus on the intersections of anthropology/Volkskunde, regional development, and economic history (1950–1995). The project is based at the chair for Science Studies at ETH Zurich and started in 2020. Other research interests are the history of scientific publishing, ‘counter-knowledge’ and critiques of science.
Niki is co-founder of intercomverlag, a scholar-led publishing initiative based in Zurich, Berlin and Vienna external page (; read more external page here). She co-developed the publication formats external page Mono, external page cache and Æther and co-edits the three series since then.
From September 2022 to February 2023, she was a visiting scholar at the chair for the History of Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Before starting her PhD project, Niki earned a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Basel where she studied history and philosophy and a Master’s degree in History and Philosophy of Knowledge from ETH Zurich. Niki is an associate of the PhD program “Geschichte des Wissens” (UZH/ETH). Her work is supported by ETH Research Grant ETH-14 20-1.
- with Nils Güttler / Max Stadler et al. 2020. Gegen|Wissen. cache 01. Zürich: Intercom Verlag. Onlineausgabe: external page
- with Nils Güttler / Max Stadler. (Ed.). 2018. Æther 01: Flughafen Kloten. Anatomie eines komplizierten Ortes. Zürich: intercom Verlag.
- 2024. "external page 'Post-Folklore': Anthropology and Economic Development in European Peripheries, 1950–1995". In: History of Anthropology Review 48.
- with Nils Güttler. 2022. "external page DIY Epistemologies: Histories and Futures of Publishing in the Humanities". In: Journal of the History of Ideas Blog.
- 2021. Fremde Arbeit: Kulturelle Differenz, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und die angewandten Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften in der Schweiz um 1960. In: Traverse 28/2, 136–149.
- 2018. Kleine Freiheit, Grosse Freiheit. In: Flughafen Kloten. Anatomie eines komplizierten Ortes (Æther 01). ed. Nils Güttler / Niki Rhyner / Max Stadler. Zürich: intercom Verlag.
- with Nils Güttler / Max Stadler. 2018. Æther. A Research and Writing Workshop in Science and Technology Studies. In: ETH Learning and Teaching Journal 1/1, 6-7.
- 2018. external page Kalte und warme Milchflüsse. Über pasteurisierte Milch in Zürich, 1950–1965. In: Preprints zur Kulturgeschichte der Technik 32. Zürich: ETH Zürich 2018.
- with Monika Wulz, Martin Herrnstadt and Nils Güttler. 2024. external page Die Debatte über Wissenschaft und Aktivismus ist nicht neu. In: «décodage» – Blog der SAGW.
- with Monika Wulz, Martin Herrnstadt and Nils Güttler. 2024. Download Zwischen Wissenschaft und Aktivismus (PDF, 203 KB). In: external page NZZ, Nr. 54.
- with Nils Güttler / Niki Rhyner / Eliane Kurmann / Enrico Natale / Tina Asmussen. 2022. external page Publizieren im Umbruch: Ein Austausch zwischen dem intercom Verlag und In: Traverse, 79-88.